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The Research Outline for Performing in vitro Cataract Research on Goat Eyes

Arin Bhattacharya, Harish Gupta, Pranay Soni


Cataract could be defined as opacification of the lens. It is one the most common complications related with growing age, diabetes, hypertension, nicotine consumption, alcohol abuse and sedentary life style. The current approach in management of cataract is the surgical removal of the cataract, but there are certain complications that arises pre-operatively, post operatively and during the surgical phase, that’s why there is a dire need in development of a more safe and efficacious alternative which is the development of pharmaco-therapeutical approach. This current work helps us to understand, that how the preliminary invitro analysis of the novel drug candidate had to be done.


Keywords: Cataract, diabetes, hypertension, in vitro, pharmacotheruputical approach


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Arin Bhattacharya, Harish Gupta Pranay Soni. The Research Methodology for Performing In-Vitro Cataract research on Goat Eyes. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Drug Design & Discovery. 2018; 5(1): 37–39p.

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