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Management of Patellar Tendonitis with Polyherbal Ayurveda Formulation

Nishant Shukla


Patellar tendonitis or Jumper’s knee is the commonest observed tendon injury amongst sport persons; the disease occurs due to acute or chronic injury during repetitive jumping or running. Patella tendon (ligament) is extremely strong that connects patella to tibia. The tendon receives excessive wear and tear during jumping and stabilising lending. The tendon receives stress in sports persons and athletes involved in different activities of jumping or changing direction frequently. Blazina first described the disease in 1973. The disease is characterised by acute inflammation followed by degeneration of tendon (tendinopathy). Pain is the chief presenting symptom that aggravates with activity, with thickened proximal third of the tendon. Pain always occurs due to vitiation of Vata in the disease. Vata gets vitiated by repeated strain on the tendon due to overuse (Ati Vyayama: Dhatu Kshyaja) leads to micro tears and collagen damage [3]. Asatmendriyartha Sanyoga leads to Vata Prokopa that affects Rakta (Kandra is Updhatu of Rakta) and Mansa Dhatus. The disease may be classified as two variants: Shudha Vataj (immediate injury), and Kaphaj Kshya Purvaka Vata Vrudhi (due to chronic injury) which lead to Dhatu Kshya (again resulting in Vata Vrudhi) resulting in pain and loss of functions. Acharya Sushruta narrated the clinical entity as Snayughata Vata characterised as stiffness, termers, pain, and Akshepana; later on, it leads to damage results as Kalayakhanja [4, 5]. Patient suffering from the disease needs prompt treatment and relief in presenting symptom of pain. Patients were done Upshaya by hot dry fomentation with electric pad for 5 min, followed by covering the joint to observe wind exposure for 10 min. Patients were examined for the Samata/Kevala Vatastatus; it was observed that the Upshaya procedure of Swedana helps in correcting Sama status to Niram status within 2–3 days. Patients having Kevala Vata were advised to undergo Snehana therapy (Abhyanga by Panchaguna Taila), followed by Sweda. The Upshaya reduced pain and other presenting symptoms. Radical treatment or curative treatment was done as per Mansa Vaha Srotoschikitsa. Kshirpaka of Ashwagandha + Pipplimula+Shunthi, Gokshrudi Gugglu and Agnitundi were administered to patient. The patient was assessed daily for 5 days till the reduction in presenting symptom of pain (based of visual pain score) and thereafter, every 5 days till complete remission. Marked improvement was observed in all symptoms; patients were advised for perform Abhyanga on daily basis, adopting proper exercise, and Brihana Chikitsa.


Keywords: Sports medicine, injury, tendonitis


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Nishant Shukla. Management of Patellar Tendonitis with Polyherbal Ayurveda Formulation. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Drug Formulation, Development and Production. 2019; 6(1): 4–9p.

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