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Anti-ulcer Properties of Methanol Extract and its Solvent Fractions of Stem Bark of Lannea acida on Indomethacin Induced Gastric Ulcer in Albino Rats

S.W. Hassan, O. Solomon, R. S. U. Wasagu, A. S. Yakubu


Lannea acida is use in Nigeria for the treatment of Peptic ulcers. The methanol and its solvent fractions (hexane, ethylacetate and butanol) of the stem bark of Lannea acida were evaluated for antiulcerogenic activity using indomethacin model. The anti-ulcerogenic mechanisms of the plant using the model employed in this study were done by estimation of Superoxide dismutase (SOD), Glutathione (GSH), Catalase (CAT), Vitamins A, C and E, and Malondialdehyde (MDA). Rats treated with methanol extract and its fractions showed significant decrease in ulcer index in a dose dependent manner using the indomethacin ulcer model. The ethylacetate solvent fraction showed the highest antiulcer activity using indomethacin model. Increase level of MDA and decreased levels of SOD, GSH, CAT, Vitamin A, C and E were observed in ulcer control groups. These values were significantly decreased and increased respectively in ethylacetate fraction treated groups in the model. The anti-ulcerogenic activity of stem bark extract of Lannea acida using the indomethacin model may be due to its phytoconstituents content, higher antioxidant activity and KATP channel opening. 


Anti-ulcerogenic, Lannea acida, phytoconstituents, Antioxidants, indomethacin gastric model

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