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A Critical Analysis on Impact of Clinical Pharmacist based Medication Reconciliation Practice among Cancer Patients-A Prospective Interventional Study.

Mekkanti Manasa Rekha


Medication Reconciliation is defined as the process where the health care providers work with the patients to document communicate the comprehensive medication information by complete medication list and then reconciling it against what patient has been actually intended to take or taking in order to identify the drug related problems like drug interactions, medication errors and adverse drug reactions. Cancer patients are categorized as vulnerable population as they have many risk factors even cancer patients have been administered by various therapies like chemotherapy, biological agents, hormone therapy, supportive therapy that can  leads to poly pharmacy by increasing the risk of drug related problems so it is required to impose the medication reconciliation practice strictly to ensure whether medications are optimized or not and  to achieve desired therapeutic outcomes and in promotion of rational practice of drug usage .The present study involves in detail study of  anti-cancer drug usage through critical case and prescription analysis to identify, analyze and report the drug related problems during the course of treatment.261 patients were enrolled in the study. A total of 17 Adverse drug reactions were screened during study period with causality and severity assessment,  22 prescriptions comprised of potential drug interactions with 79medication errors .The present study clearly states the Impact and outcomes of clinical pharmacist based medication reconciliation practice in promotion of rational drug  usage and in minimization of drug related problems.


Medication Reconciliation, Poly Pharmacy, Cancer patients, adverse drug reactions, Drug Interactions, Medication Errors.

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