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Evaluating Ma-ul-Shae’er (Barley Water) as a Nutritional Supplement in Pulmonary Tuberculosis: A Randomised Controlled Trial

Atiya Anjum, Salahuddin ., Rubi Anjum, Khalid Umer Khayyam, Sumeera Bandey


Background: Tuberculosis (TB) stands as a persistent global health challenge, imposing significant burdens on societies across the world. Despite its profound medical, social, and economic implications, there exists a critical gap in understanding interventions that could improve the quality of life for individuals afflicted by TB.Objective: This study aims to fill this void by investigating the impact of barley water on the quality of life of TB patients, providing a unique perspective on a potential dietary intervention. The absence of prior research in this domain underscores the pioneering nature of this study.Methods: The research explores the historical context, drawing on Ma-ul-Shae’er (barley water) as documented in classical books of the Unani System of Medicine. The study evaluates the outcomes of incorporating barley water into the diet of TB patients, focusing on various parameters related to their well-being.Results: Promising outcomes were observed, suggesting significant improvements in the quality of life of TB patients. Notably, Ma-ul-Shae’er emerged as a favourable dietary medicine, as endorsed by classical texts in the Unani System of Medicine.Conclusion: These findings highlight a novel avenue for enhancing the well-being of TB patients, emphasizing the urgency of addressing the enduring challenges posed by TB. The study underscores the need for comprehensive investigations to precisely determine the efficacy of barley water in improving the quality of life among individuals afflicted by tuberculosis.


Tuberculosis, Ma-ul-Shae’er, Barley water, Quality of life, Unani Medicine.

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