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Combined Potential of Formulated diet (Pearl millet, Hungary rice, Moringa oleifera leaves and Cray fish) with Glibenclamide on Fasting blood glucose and lipid profile in alloxan induced diabetic wistar rats

Musa Bashir


Background:The Interest to practice drug-food/nutrient interaction will not be overemphasis, however,
the recognition of its importance to practice has been growing much slower. The aim of the study:This
study aimed to identify combined effect of a formulated diet with glibenclamide on fasting blood
glucose and serum lipid profile in alloxan induced diabetic wister rats. Materials and methods: For this
investigation, 55 male albino wistar rats were randomly assigned to eleven groups of five. They received
dosage/Treatment for a period of 28 days. Fasting blood glucose of all rats was taken weekly for four
weeks. Lipid profile assays was done using Cardio-Chek professional analyzer. Results: Glycemic
index and glycemic load of the formulated diet were found to be 67.60% and 51.15% respectively.
There was a significant (p<0.05) glibenclamide and designed diet treatment groups experienced a
decrease in fasting blood sugar compared to the diabetes control groups at p<0.05. Also, a significant
reduction was observed in the serum lipid profile parameters (p<0.05) in groups given combined
treatment of formulated diet and glibenclamide as compared to groups given single treatments of
formulated diet or Glibenclamide alone. Conclusions: It can be concluded that combination of a
Formulated diet (Pearl millet, Hungary rice, Moringa oleifera leaves and Cray fish) and glibenclamide
may be useful in diabetes mellitus management.

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