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Nishant Shukla


Diet is the most important pillar of human it is not only necessary for nutrition but also general health of individual. It has been opined that food provides nutrition of gross level but also affects the genomics that may have effects on further generations. Diet is even more important in metabolic disorders like diabetes, stroke, heart disease, obesity, autoimmune disease, etc. Millet is also known as Trina Dhanya in Ayurveda cultivated easily and often easy for preservation, has been used across all states of India. These small grains posses important nutrient materials often found suitable for person suffering from life style related disease, and its prevention. Bajra is the most important mullet and numerous food article can be made from it, the article describe characteristics of millets and different food stuff that can be made with its medicinal benefits.


Millet, trina Dhanya, life style related disease, Apatarpana, diabetes, diet, ayurveda dietetics

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