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A Review Article of Kasni (Cichorium intybus Linn.): Its Traditional Uses and Pharmacological Actions

Farooqui Shazia Parveen, Khaleel Ahmed, M.A. Siddiqui, M.A. Quamri, Meenu Doni, Sana Baig


Cichorium intybus Linn is a perennial erect herb of different types depending on the bright blue, white or pink flowers. Cichorium intybus is approximately 80±90 cm tall. It has a fleshy taproot of length up to 75 cm. The root of chicory contains volatile oils that are wormicidal. Chicory is used to treat jaundice, spleen problems, gastrointestinal issues such as digestive problems, gastritis and lack of appetite, sinus problems, cuts and bruises. Kasni (Chicory) medicine system is used as hepatoprotective and nephroprotective in Unani. Chicory has a dietary fiber called inulin that is useful in diabetes treatment and constipation treatment. As lithotriptic, leaves juice and tea are used to remove internal mucus and bile production. This review provides an overview of the uses and pharmacological properties of tradition.


Keywords: Chichorium intybus, Chicory, inulin, hepatoprotective, Kasni, Unani


Cite this Article

Farooqui Shazia Parveen, Khaleel Ahmed, M.A. Siddiqui, M.A. Quamri, Meenu Doni, Sana Baig. A Review Article of Kasni (Cichorium intybus Linn.): Its Traditional Uses and Pharmacological Actions. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Pharmacognosy. 2019; 6(3): 17–22p.


Kasni, Chichorium intybus, Inulin, Hepatoprotective, Chicory, Unani.

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