In vitro and in vivo Anti-Oxidant and Anti-Diabetic Evaluation of cladodes Crude Extract and Solvent fractions of Opuntia elatior mill (Cactaceae)
Objective: Ariel part of Opuntia elatior (Cactaceae) has been used in folklare remedies to treat diabetes in America, Mexico and India. However, the anti-diabetic potential of cladodes of this medicinal plant is not scientifically validated and authenticated. The present study aimed to evaluate in vitro and in vivo anti-oxidant and anti-diabetic potential of methanol extracts and solvent fractions of O. elatior cladodes. Methods: Phytochemical analysis performed according to standard procedure. The methanol extracts and solvent fractions of O. elatior cladodes were evaluated at different concentration (12.5-400μg/ml) for anti-oxidant activity by using DPPH assay. In-vitro anti-diabetic effect of extract and fractions were also analyzed by using α-amylase inhibition. Oral sucrose tolerance test of crude extract in different concentration in animal also studied. Different dose (200 and 400mg/kg body weight) used for anti-diabetic potentials in staptozotocin induced diabetic albino rats. The extracts were administered for three weeks in different group. Results: The acute oral toxicity study of Opuntia elatior cladodes extract and fractions have no mortality in the experimental animals at the dose limit of 2000mg/kg during the observation period. The outcome of present study indicates that extract and different fraction shows potential anti-oxidant activity. Cladodes extract also significantly decreases elevated level of blood glucose in dose dependant manner and also caused to reverse the cholesterol, triglyceride, High density lipoprotein (HDL) and low density lipoprotein (LDL) values when compared to untreated diabetic rats. Conclusions: The result indicates the beneficial effects of O. elatior cladodes extract by scavenging 2,2- diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radicals, inhibiting α–amylase enzyme, and improving serum lipid profile levels. The cladodes crude extract of O. elatior are effective in lowering blood glucose and improving insulin levels in diabetic rats. The claimed traditional use as anti-diabetic has scientific ground.
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