Alzheimer” An Ambiguous Ailment; A Comprehensive Review
Alzheimer Disease (AD) is a gradually progressive dementia affecting cognition, behavior, and functional status. It was discovered a century back (1907) characterized by defects in language use, visual-spatial perception, ability to learn, solve problems, perform mathematical calculations, thinking abstractly, and making appropriate judgments, affecting more than 4.5 million people in United States. 100,000 people die of AD every year, nevertheless hundred years have been passed after the discovery of AD but the appropriate pathology was not yet determined only it still floats in the hypotheses in contrast to the inventions in the medicine so far, hypothesis like amyloid cascades, neurofibrillary tangles, are well established but with incomplete benefits from them, in recent days the role of estrogen, cholesterol are also being included in AD pathology. Treatment lines are following just to improve the dementia but not able to concentrate in to the pathology, all these made the AD in to an ambiguous disease which is yet to be explored a lot as early as possible for the well-being of the sufferers and to ameliorate their disabilities
Keywords: Alzheimer Disease, ambiguous disease, Apolipoprotein E, amyloid cascades, neurofibrillary tangles
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/(rrjops).v5i3.527
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