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A Study To Assess The Effect Of Transdermal Oxygen Therapy On Pressure Ulcer Healing Among Bedridden Patients

Kapil Sharma, Pooja Sinha, Sunil Singh, Dr. Shruti Sharma


Background of the study: Pressure ulcers are localized injuries to the skin and or to the underlying tissue that mostly occur on bony prominence from pressure, or pressure in combination with shear and or friction. Objectives: To assess pre- post and compare the pre and post interventional pressure ulcer healing in experimental and control group. Methodology: A pre- post control group design among 30 bedridden patients those  having pressure ulcers were drawn  by using convenience sampling technique. In Experimental group pre-intervention observation was done using PUSH tool parameters and scoring was done after which intervention of day1 was given. Oxygen therapy was given at 10 liters per minute twice daily for one week to the experimental group. Second observation was done on day 3 post intervention and then on day 7 post intervention. In control group observation was done before routine care on day 1. Routine care of study setting was done and next observation was done on 3rd day and 7th day post intervention. Results: The findings revealed that for healing process of pressure ulcer which includes surface area, exudate amount and tissue type: significant result were found between experimental group and control group (p>0.05) in surface area, exudate amount and tissue type. It was concluded that there was no statistical significant results in mean of surface area within experimental group (p=0.61) and control group (p=0.97) and there was no statistical difference between the experimental group and control group from day 1 (p=0.35), day 3 (p=0.49), day 7 (p=0.67).It was concluded that there was statistical significant results in mean of exudate. Conclusion: There was significant difference between the total score of healing process within the experimental group (p= 0.00) and control group (p= 0.00) .


Transdermal oxygen therapy, Pressure ulcers healing, Bedridden patients, Socio Demographic Profile, Pressure Ulcer Scale for Healing (PUSH Tool).

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